Thursday, January 28, 2010


So, just to keep you updated on what I've been doing at this year's Sundance Film Festival, I thought I'd post a summary of what's going on. With the help of a friend I was able to join the crew of official Sundance drivers, in charge of getting celebrities and film makers to their different parties, destinations, and hotels. Although I only worked for a couple of days I was stoked to be Malin Akerman's personal driver for a day. After driving her to her different dinners and photo shoots, I ended up dropping her off to the last party of the night that was being hosted by her agent. After an evening of good laughs and lots of joking between me, her and her friends, they decided that they wanted me to come in for the last party of the night. At first I hesitated, but then remembered that this whole life thing only happens once and who knows if I'd be able to do Sundance again next year. So I went in as another one of her "friends," and was able to meet Bryan Singer (director of the x-men movies) and John Ortiz. Life is good at Sundance:)

As I waited for Malin and Co. to finish at their dinner the other night I found myself with more than two hours on my hands. I decided to help a couple of sharp-dressed businessmen out by offering them a ride. Confused as to why I was removing my name tag and sundance window stickers, I explained to them that I was an official driver for Sundance and was not allowed to charge them a fare for their ride. "So sit back and enjoy a free ride... Of course, tips are gladly accepted." They both had a good laugh at this. After finding out a bit about me, I started asking what they were doing at Sundance. It turns out that I was driving the City Attorney for San Francisco who was there to support 8:The Mormon Proposition. After a 15 minute conversation about religion and politics and the relationship between the two, he said to me, "Listen, if you are serious about applying to law school in the Bay Area, I would really like to write you a letter of recommendation. My letters get people into law school." Coincidence? Read it how you will, but I'm ecstatic that the City Attorney for San Francisco is going to write me a letter of recommendation for law school. Easily the best tip I got at Sundance.


Nathan said...

WHATEVER! That's amazing! Well, see you never while you're at Berkley. haha -- that's great man.

Unknown said...

Love the stories man! Keep them coming!!!!

Nicole Leifson - Jensen said...

You are so cool! I love that you've posted on your blog. Did you know that you can have it printed into a book? Talk about a journal man! Love you.

Aaron + Kayti said...

geez hollywood. sounds like so much fun!

for the record, i dont believe in coincidences - destiny rules my world :)

b. said...

i didnt know you were applying to law school. rock it, baby.