Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm going here

Yes, it's official. I'm spending 6 glorious weeks in the land of fire and ice, the land of my forefathers, the land of the vikings, the land of.... okay you get the idea, ICELAND! I have loved the different reactions people give me when I tell them where I'm spending half of the summer. For the most part they don't really know if they should be excited for me because they really have no idea what the island has to offer. It's interesting how Sigur Ros has opened the eyes of our generation to the beauty of the country with Heima. I was wondering why Bjork didn't promote the beauty of her home country instead of showing off her swan outfit (still trying to figure out what that was) and her right-hook on super nice fans/news reporters (still trying to figure out what that was too). As far as I'm concerned it seems to still be a pretty well kept secret in the vacation world, and I really don't mind. While everyone else is saving up for years for that trip to Paris, London, or Rome (to which I mean no disrespect and do not wish do downplay the beauty of each), I've become rather fascinated with the obscurities our planet has to offer. Antarctica... well, I'll save my latest infatuation for another blog, I tend to get carried away with the length of my posts, so I'll stop while I still have your attention. I leave June 12th and get back July 26th. It's still up in the air if I'm going to include any other travels while I'm out and about and jobless.