Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Victim of the Times

The other day I was sitting in the hall of the Liberal Arts building at UVSC (or UVU if you're jumping the gun like everyone else). As I was sitting Indian-style with my MacBook in my lap, my ipod playing in my ear, and texting B to figure out where we were going for lunch that day, I realized how ridiculous I would have looked to the 10 year old me. First of all, the idea of an ipod or anything of the likes would have been completely foreign to me. Having my own personal computer that I could take anywhere and get free Wi-Fi (which would not even have been found in my vocabulary) was something I don't even think i ever even dreamed of. And having my OWN cellular phone was a thought that I had often entertained, but I also readily admitted that it was not necessary and probably even a bit excessive. Aside from being completely amazed at this technology that I take totally for granted, I am also aware of the blessing that it is as well. Think of it like this... For the majority of us that have the aforementioned novelties, we have at our fingertips an endless supply of information, more music than we know what to do with, and the capability to communicate with ANYONE in the world via text or the antediluvian (great word, look it up) method of verbal interaction. It seems to be a power that we underestimate and often under-appreciate.
I'm not trying to preach, I'm just recognizing this as yet another landmark for me in my ever increasing technological dependence. On this the 18th day of March in the year 2008, I become a blogger...